Meet the brioche feuilletée
It's a pastry made with flaky brioche, plenty of butter, and sprinkled with sugar. At MarieBette we change our fillings regularly — hazelnut praline or orange-vanilla cream, to name a couple. Stop in and try one today.
And recently, our brioche feuilletée has attracted some media attention...
“The Brioche Feuilletee needs a better publicist. MarieBette’s version, for example, is a knockout. With dense layers of light, flaky pastry, dusted with crystals of sugar, it is like a cross between brioche, a croissant, and a donut. But, its name doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.”
“...The Brioche Feuilletée...all it needs is a bit of a fratty name change.”
“We agree: Let’s call it a bronut.”
“Meringue-like in shape and croissant-like in construction, the Bronut is made of many, many layers of butter and brioche, with a sprinkling of sugar on top.”
“From the Doughnut, to the Cronut, the Ramnut, and now the Bronut, people seem to have an affinity with carb-loaded “nuts.””
“If you haven’t already said goodbye to the Cronut, this is the time. First, it’s 2015, and like, time to move on. And second, the Bronut exists.”